How to Live a Happy Life: 40 Tips on How to be Happy

 40 Tips for a Happier Life!

“Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking.”
Marcus Aurelius

Everyone wants to be happy in life. Here are 40 Simple Ways to Live a Happy Life.Very little is needed to make a happy life. Develop yourself to live happily.

1. Your Happiness Is Your Choice.
If you want to live a happy life, the choice must be yours. You can be happy only if you choose to be happy. Most people live a sad life because they choose to. Yes! There are people want to be happy but choose to be sad and depressed. They choose to cling to sad memories, painful past and devastating experiences in life rather than to move on into a happy phase of life. So if you want to be happy you should choose to be happy. What you think is what you feel. And thus, what you feel is your choice.
2. Take Responsibility Of Your Life.
People around you, the situations you are exposed to, the ideas that the society injects into your mind can all be elements in the die to mold your life. But it is you who choose to let them in or to leave them out. You have the power to decide which experience, which person, which incident and which ideology is going to play a role in the making of the real you and in the transformation of your life.
In spite of all other factors, however strong they are, you have the power to decide your life because ultimately what matters is what you think and how you process. So be bold and take responsibility of your life. You are not going to let anyone else or anything else to be the authority of your thoughts, your feelings and your happiness. STOP being an indecisive.
3. Follow Your Passion. Do What You Love. 
What do you love to do? Adventures? sports? Theater? Movies? Band? Dance? Modeling? Photography? Business? Write? Travel?
You know what our heart yearns for, but you are afraid to go after it. You are desperate to follow your inner voice to follow your passion but you are afraid to do so.
You are afraid that you are not good enough. You are afraid that people will not accept it. You are afraid that you will fail.

4. Focus On The Positive.
Try to turn difficulties into opportunities. Master the skill to gain fighting force unfortunate or challenging situations. Use your struggles to discover the new dimensions of yourself, a new insight on life, and even a rejuvenated sense of purpose. Practice mindfulness to grow and develop from living through your challenges.
Keep in mind that life is always successful until you think otherwise. Whatever be the hardships in life that make you feel down, be it unemployment, financial crisis, debt, failing relationships, lose of loved ones, problems at workplace, suffering from physical/medical ailments, physical or mental harassment, being hated or ditched by the ones you love, feeling offended, being looked down upon, unaccomplished ambitions or withered dreams, you are not a failure until and unless you decide to be. So never ever give up if you are sure that your happiness lies in what you fighting for. Use the problems in your life to motivate you. Know that even if a given problem doesn't work out favorably, you'll still have grown as a person – more tactful, more confident and more powerful.
Stop asking “Why me?” Instead, ask “Why not me?” Everyone gets their share of joys and sorrows; why should you somehow be above it and deserve only the joys? Life has a lot of falling apart and coming back together again. Take time off, and relax, in whatever way is practical for you.
5. Tame Your Inner Critic

Be motivated and preserve your self-esteem.Don’t let your inner critic to be the greatest obstacle in your life. It can tell you t you will not succeed. That you are worse than someone else. That you are never going to be the winner. That you are good for nothing.
There might be a lot of people to criticize you, to offend you, to underestimate you and to pull you down. What they do and what they speak is not for you to control and not for you to be influenced by. But your inner critic must not repeat after them. Your inner critic must not speak the words of your antagonists. It must always raise its voice to correct you, to motivate you and to help you rectify your mistakes and move ahead and not to hinder your confidence.
Being able to turn the inner critic around or to shut it up as soon as it pops up is crucial.

6. Goals, Dreams And Ambitions

Many people are unhappy because of unaccomplished goals, unfulfilled dreams and unachieved ambitions.
When you set targets, make sure they are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely. Also make sure that the way you choose to reach your destination and your destination in itself are righteous, principled and incorruptible.
Trust your own sensibility on how you want to use your goals, and what goals you want to pursue. It is okay to achieve your targets and reach your goals a little late than you had actually planned. Try even more, doing the smart work and getting it done.
Even if you end up not being victorious about your dream, stop living in it and grieving about them. Keep trying if it is still open. If it is closed for ever, come out of it. Clinging on to it even after it is over is foolishness. Get rid of it if it not there anymore. Move on. It is not easy. It can be heartbreaking, extremely painful and unbearably distressing. But to move past it is very important for you to live a happy life. Look for all the better things in life. There is happiness around you. Discover them.
Dreams are not confined to what you have nurtured till day. Dreams are boundless. Nourish new dreams, pamper them and make them realistic. Your dreams are your creations. If one fails, create another one. Never stop. Let go of trying to control everything.
The only thing that we can truly control is our own attitude and reactions. Once we accept that, we can find happiness right where we are, irrespective of how things turn out. This was perhaps the hardest but the most necessary part of the transformation for me.
7. Live In Present. Not In The Past And Not In The Future

True happiness cannot find you if you hide in cage that the past gave you or in your heap of worries about tomorrow.
Letting go of something that is ingrained in your mind for years is hard. Even if you think you have manage to let go of some bitter experiences, it comes right back to you at times. As long as you do not let it pull you back, things are fine.
Dream about life but don’t “live” in dreams. What you find when you escape from reality into constructed, unreal, and ostentatious world is despair imposing in the attire of transient pleasure.
Learn from past, live in future and prepare for future.
8. Stop Trying To Please Everyone
Every time you pretend to be someone else, every time you try to suppress your true self to impress someone else, your soul is being wronged and thus your happiness cannot exist. It is not easy to stop pleasing people or to stop pretending for acceptance of others. But try it a few times. Believe me, you are going to enjoy the joy liberation it brings you.
9. Take Good Care Of Yourself, Surprise Yourself And Adore Yourself
When you are out of energy,  take time off, and relax, in whatever way is it is suitable for you.
·        Find a self-care ritual
In this fast paced world people tend to ignore self-care. But your body and body, together, behold your thoughts, aspirations, spirit and the tenderness of all these. So take care of your mind and body.
A long, hot bath, adopting an indulging skin care routine Or simply a movie night or treating yourself with a nice meal would do.
Whatever it is, make time for it. Put it in your planner if you must, but do it.
·        Smile More
Always afford to give a pleasant, genuine smile. It can make you happier along with people around you. A smile, even a forced one, can definitely make you feel better.
·        Exercise
 Exercise reduces stress and releases endorphins, also known as a "runner's high." Get back to gym or ground or track or pool. Go ahead and do it!
·        Seek Out a Life Coach
If yours depression or emotional blocs are too severe, get help from a life coach. This will be helpful to greater levels.
·        Eat Healthy
When you eat right, you feel better both physically and mentally. Eat healthy and eat happily.
10. Take A Walk Into Nature. A Walk To Nurture!
Get into nature- to its greener spaces and deeper beauty. To the woods, mountains, water....
 Spending 30 minutes or more a week in green spaces can help lower blood pressure and depression.
Take a break from the artificial, manmade world in which you live. Take yourself out to renew and refresh yourself. Get some fresh air to relax and rejuvenate.  
11. Reminisce Over Happy Memories
Happy memories are key to your well-being. Recall your happy memories and pamper them.
12. Help Others
Extending a helping hand to others will add meaning and beauty to your life. It feels good to just be of service to someone else. The impact you make feels fulfilling.

13. Making Someone Else Happy.
When you see someone’s face light up because you did something good to then, the happiness will spread back to you manifold times.
Sometimes all you require to help people is to listen to them. Just listen. Listen without judgments. Just let them vent out.
14. Give More Gifts

A token of love and care. A simple message that they are not alone. Gift people with humble things or doings. Their happy faces can bring happiness to your soul.
15. Be Thankful And Cultivate Gratitude.

Find the pleasant things in your life for which must be thankful. Feel and express gratitude to people who help you. Express gratitude even for the little things in life – being offered to hold a door open for you, a cup of coffee, a tissue and so on.
With a little practice, this enables you to realize and appreciate all the positive things around you.
16. Give Compliments. Be Kind.
Practice acts of kindness.
Giving compliments sincerely in a respectful way. Catch the person’s eye and say it with a smile so they know you mean it. You might be surprised by how good it makes you feel. It is not easy for everyone to give compliments. You can complement others, be it there physical appearance, abilities, skills, beholding, achievements or relationships, only when you win over you inferiority complex. So do it, give complements. If not for them, do it for you. Win over your inferiority complex so that you can be happier.
17. Forgive.
This is often easier said than done. This again, is more for you than for them. Offering forgiveness or dropping a grudge is more about self-care than compassion for others.
Let go of resentment. If reaching out isn’t an option, try getting your feelings out in a letter. You don’t even have to send it to them. Just getting your feelings out of your mind is very much liberating.
Forgiveness is one of the hardest things to offer to someone who has hurt you. It is often more difficult to forgive yourself.
Always keep in mind that forgiving others doesn't mean you make yourself a doormat that other people walk all over. It simply is letting go of, moving on and feeling better.

Holding a grudge can be destructive for one’s mental well-being. Nourishing revenge is the worst. I it is a person who you love on the other end, there is an emotional link between both of you which is in vain and thus inflicting more sufferings and pain on you.
When you forgive you do not only release the other person. You set yourself free from all of that agony too. Unless you walk in the shoes of the other, you really don’t know the reason for their behavior. 
18. Don’t Live With Guilt.
Forgive yourself for you mistakes. Don’t live with the guilt. Make correction wherever you went wrong.
19. Let Go Of Pride.
Authentic connection is impossible when pride dominates. Neither apology nor does forgiveness come to the domain for pride. Let it fall.
20. There Is No Need For Perfectionism.
It doesn’t require perfect all the time.  Imperfection is a part of us. We have flaws. We are adorable just the way we are.
21. Walk Away From Toxic And Unhealthy Relationships.

It is to distance yourself from people in your life who drag you down, but it was necessary to move on. Stay out of toxic, unhealthy relationships. A relationship in which you are being wronged is not to be maintained. A relationship which offers you pain and suffocation and gives you no happiness must be reconsidered.
22. Shed All Sort Of Addiction.
Escape from the situation of being addicted to anything –be it money, drugs, victory, shopping, internet, gambling, sex, video games, relationships….When you are an addict to something, or someone, you are no longer you master. And as long as you are not your master you do not control your thoughts and acts and thus your life and happiness.

23. Let Go Of The Fear Of Failure.

Everyone faces failure at some point of life. Failure does not mean you are incapable. It simply means you have become more courageous to dare, to fight again, to fall again and to rise again. To the weaker souls, failure is the end. But not for you. Because you are a fighter – a very strong and determined one.
24. Let Go Of The Fear Of Abandonment.
To crave for connection and attachment is very natural. However the fear of abandonment is dangerous. Nobody stays forever. Accept the fact that everyone got to leave one day or other. Enjoy the days of togetherness and let go of judgment, resentment and fear.
25. End Comparison.
Comparison is a very easy trap to betray yourself. Comparing yourself with another person is of no good. Comparing yourself with others will not help you to set standards, on the other hand, it could end up draining your confidence and self esteem.
26. Deal With Expectations.
One of the major problems with expectations is that you expect your life to be in a certain way. You expect people around you to act in a specific way. You expect situations should turnout in a certain way. Well, pause! Ask yourself: Do you behave with people the way they expect from you. Do you love and take care of people the way they expect it from you? NO! And if you don’t live upto the expectations of others, how could you expect others to live upto your expectations?
Expectations - your expectations about your life, happiness and achievement and what others expect from you - are hard to cater to.
27. Identify And Use Constructive Feedback.
Criticisms and feedbacks can be from many people and in many ways. What matters is how you deal with it. Be unmindful about feedbacks that are not going to be useful for you or that aim to reduce your confidence rather than improve your performance. Keep in mind that criticism can be constructive or non-constructive.  Feedbacks can be criticisms as well as compliments. Accept both, keep what is required for your development, make the desired amendments and dump the useless ones.
28. Share With Others
When you share your thoughts, problems and ideas with others, they'll feel great towards you and help you to feel more joy in your own life. This can make you feel better and liberated.
29. Find Ways To Manage Stress

You deserve to be happy and stress free. Find ways to deal with stress. Practice meditation, go partying, play a game, sleep well, do whatever good things it takes to keep you stress free.
30. Spend Time With Your Near And Dear Ones

We're social beings. Even if you're an introvert or a loner it is important to spend time with their friends and family. Make friends. There are many people around you and a few people out there can be of good companionship for you. Find them. Reach out to them.
31. The energy and will-power to say NO when it must be said.

32. Say yes to the good things and opportunities in life
33. Change one thing at a time to make the necessary amendments in your way of life.
34. Be optimistic, find sources of inspirations, ditch negative people and things, remain the good fighter you are and live your life fully despite setbacks.
35. Take deep breaths when messed up. Close your eyes. Recollect all happy memories, slowly breathe in and breathe out, relax.
36. Acknowledge the unhappy moments
Remain positive but accept the fact that bad things happen it’s just part of life. Acknowledge the feeling of unhappiness, letting yourself experience it for a moment. Then, shift your focus toward what made you feel this way and what it might take to recover.
37. Keep a journal
A journal is a good way to organize your thoughts, analyze your feelings, and make plans. You need not be a perfectionist. But try to be organized. This can reduce stress and thus improves the chances of being happy.

38. Declutter
Tidy up, do giveaways, try to make wealth out of waste.
39 Find Your Work–Life Balance, Practice Mindfulness And Nourish The Creativity In You.
40. Be Yourself

Your life is yours and don’t waste it living as someone else.
As per the Indian texts of ancient eras, there are four stages of life (ashramas). All sorts of life lessons are for the first three ashramas: Brahmacharya, Grihastha and Vanaprastha. Once you are in the fourth stage, Sannyasa(renunciate), you start defining life and beyond in your perspective, with your intuition. To a person with mental and emotional maturity of Sannyasa, deeper realizations will show you a different scenario. All the tips discussed above are useful when all you care about is to live your life to the fullest.
No thing, no person, and no accomplishment will make you happy. I say this not to depress you, but to free you. Once you start exploring deeper, happiness may appear to be an illusion to you. Grasping for happiness leads to more unhappiness.
This is your life. Do what you want with it. And have fun.

References and acknowledgement:
  1. Thanks to my friends krishnajar93 who always urge me to see the positive side of everything, dinu.mariyam for finding ways to handle stress along with me, Zilla for inspiring me to explore the deep, unpleasant, but real aspects of life, Sethukkarasi Sethuraman who has always remained a mentor.
  3. for pics


  1. Thanks a lot. This is what I needed.

  2. The images selected, along with article, are very soothing.


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